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Fashion for Large Breasts

?Women with a larger than average breasts often find that their clothes don’t fit as well as they would like and that it is difficult to find clothes that do not accentuate their breasts. The good news is that there are styles of clothing out there that can help you minimize your bust line. Women with a larger than average breasts can also cheat a little bit by wearing a bra designed to minimize a large bust. Minimizing bras are available for sizes D and up and help surround and support big breasts without smashing them flat.

As far as the clothing goes, you can start by purchasing some good basics that hug your figure, but aren't too tight. High-quality, light, flowing fabrics with a fine finish in light cotton, flannel or cashmere are always good textures to use. You can also utilize color to trim your figure by using dark, slimming colors like gray, burgundy, deep purple and dark green. Solid colors are good, but prints are fine too as long as the pattern is consistent throughout the front of the shirt or blouse. Definitely avoid shirts or blouses that have a large single design in the middle of the front which can create a focal point where you don’t want it. You can add some length to your body by wearing blouses and shirts with vertical line patterns. Conversely, horizontal patterns will shorten the body and accentuate the breast area.

You can also minimize your bust with skirts that have an A-line or a soft flare that draws attention to the bottom half of the body and away from your bust line. Avoid half and half styles that cut the body into two separate areas. Styles to avoid that shorten the body include both blouses and dresses with belts at the waist line, as well as shirts and blouses that are tucked in under a belt. Any style of shirt or blouse that draws the eye away from the bust is a good choice. V-neck styled shirts, blouses and dresses all work and will help minimize the bust line.

Slacks matter too, and pants or slacks that have a basic straight leg will give the body more length and help keep the eyes focused on the bottom half of the body. If you are going to wear a jacket, keep it unbuttoned and loose to avoid accentuating the breasts and consider a style that is square and boxy to give your shoulders more width and help make your bust line look smaller. Top it all off with sensible jewelry that draws the eyes well above the bust line and you’re all set.

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